narupa.command.command_service module

Module providing an implementation of the CommandServicer.

class narupa.command.command_service.CommandRegistration

Bases: tuple

Represents a registration of a command on the service, consisting of a CommandInfo detailing the command name and default arguments, and an associated callback.


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

class narupa.command.command_service.CommandService

Bases: narupa.protocol.command.command_service_pb2_grpc.CommandServicer

Implementation of the Command service, enabling services to register arbitrary commands which are run as callbacks.

GetCommands(request, context) → narupa.protocol.command.command_service_pb2.GetCommandsReply

GRPC method to get all of the commands available on this service. :param request: GetCommandsRequest :param context: GRPC context. :return: GetCommandsReply, detailing all the available commands.

RunCommand(request, context) → narupa.protocol.command.command_service_pb2.CommandReply

GRPC method to run a command.

  • requestCommandMessage detailing the command to run and any arguments.
  • context – GRPC context.

CommandReply, consisting of any results of the command.


Gets a copy of the commands that have been registered, as CommandRegistration, including their names, default arguments and registered callback.

Returns:A copy of the dictionary of commands that have been registered.
register_command(name: str, callback: Callable[[Dict[str, Union[None, str, int, float, bool, Iterable[Union[None, str, int, float, bool, Iterable[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[None, str, int, float, bool, Iterable[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]]], Optional[Dict[str, Union[None, str, int, float, bool, Iterable[Union[None, str, int, float, bool, Iterable[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[None, str, int, float, bool, Iterable[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]]]], default_arguments: Optional[Dict[str, Union[None, str, int, float, bool, Iterable[Union[None, str, int, float, bool, Iterable[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]], Mapping[str, Union[None, str, int, float, bool, Iterable[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]]]]] = None)

Registers a command with this service

  • name – Name of the command to register
  • callback – Method to be called whenever the given command name is run by a client.
  • default_arguments – A dictionary of the arguments of the callback and their default values.

ValueError – Raised when a command with the same name already exists.


Deletes a command from this service.

Parameters:name – Name of the command to delete